
  • Dismas Nziku CBE


cotton, climate change, agricultural production, farmers, Vulnerability and trend


Cotton production in Sengerema - Mwanza region is one of the major economic activities. Other economic activities include fishing industry, livestock keeping, mining, and cereal crops production. The focus of the study was to establish the influence of climatic conditions on cotton production trends in Sengerema District, Mwanza Region and to identify the essential climatic condition for cotton production that would improve productivity in Sengerema District.
Both primary and secondary data were used to explore the relationship existing between cotton production and climatic condition. Secondary data were obtained from cotton board reports and from other publications while questionnaires were used to obtain information from the farmers about important production aspects like rainfall, soil fertility, temperature and general production trend which were carefully analysed for interpretation. The study’s analysis has shown a very strong relationship between climatic condition and the general production trend. This provides the way forward to reduce production difficulties through persuading people around the Lake Zone to avoid poor farming practices which can affect the environment and general climatic condition which is likely to harm the cotton farming activities. Cotton farmers have to adapt the precision agriculture so as to increase quality and quantity of output; eventually to be the giant cotton producer and exporter in the world market.


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How to cite this paper: Dismas K. Nziku (2020), (corresponding author) Paper Title: Effect Of Climatic Variability On Cotton

Production Trends In Sengerema District – Tanzania

Business Education Journal (BEJ), Volume III, Issue II, 12 Pages. www.cbe.ac.tz/bej

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How to Cite

Nziku, D. (2020). EFFECT OF CLIMATIC VARIABILITY ON COTTON PRODUCTION TRENDS IN SENGEREMA DISTRICT - TANZANIA. Business Education Journal, 6(1). Retrieved from http://cbe.ac.tz/bej/index.php/bej/article/view/200



Social Sciences