
  • Ulimboka L Mwasomola CBE
  • Enock Ojwang' CBE
  • Dickson Pastory CBE


E-Commerce, Comprehensiveness, Consumer Rights, Consumer Protection.


This paper seeks to assess consumer protection and comprehensiveness in e-commerce in Tanzania. Mixed research method was used to collect data from the study area, including, 210 respondents and 2 key informant interviews. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was applied for quantitative data analysis, while content analysis was adopted for qualitative data. The findings show that the legal framework in Tanzania does not offer tight protection to online consumers exposing them to various online vices. Because of this, majority citizens have opted not to engage in online business due to fear of being negatively affected from online businesses or suppliers. We found acts of fraud, misrepresentation, lack of redress and others to have dominated online business. It is therefore recommended inter alia, that there should be enacted single legislation that provides for consumer rights and protection for different types of consumers and the law should seek also to establish a centralized body dealing with consumer rights and protection.


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How to cite this paper: Ulimboka L. Mwasomola, Enock Ojwang’, and Dr. Dickson Pastory (PhD) (2020), Paper Title: Examining the

Consumer Protection and Comprehensiveness in E-Commerce in Tanzania. Business Education Journal (BEJ), Volume IV, Issue

I, 12 Pages. www.cbe.ac.tz/bej

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How to Cite

Mwasomola, U. L., Ojwang’, E., & Pastory, D. (2020). EXAMINING THE CONSUMER PROTECTION AND COMPREHENSIVENESS IN E-COMMERCE IN TANZANIA. Business Education Journal, 6(2). Retrieved from http://cbe.ac.tz/bej/index.php/bej/article/view/211



Business Studies