
  • Jailos Mrisho Nzumile College of Business Education (CBE)
  • Ismail W Taifa UDSM


Quality infrastructure, Sustainable development, Standardisation, Trade


This study mainly focused on exploring the roles of standardisation and quality infrastructure systems in aiding trade and sustainable development within the African continental free trade area. This is a conceptual study. It was established that facilitating trade and sustainable development lead to attaining economic growth of any developing country. Several factors are involved in facilitating trade and sustainable development, including quality infrastructure and standardisation. These two factors foster free trade area establishment by eliminating trade barriers within the African countries. The factors can also assist speeding up the delivery time, reducing goods rejection at crossing borders, environmental protection by adhering to the ISO 14000 series of standards, add competitive advantages and many more. Despite all these benefits, African countries still are challenged regarding effective metrology institutes. To be able to foster a free trade area within African countries, each country needs to establish an influential metrology institute for carrying out all metrological activities which would provide assurance and global recognition to their products and services.



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How to Cite

Nzumile, J. M., & Taifa, I. W. (2021). EMPERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN TRADE FACILITATION WITHIN THE AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE. Business Education Journal, 7(1). Retrieved from http://cbe.ac.tz/bej/index.php/bej/article/view/236


