

IMPDET Hubs in Tanzania and Uganda

IMPDET Hubs in Tanzania and Uganda are collaborative research capacity-building activities between the Technologies for Learning and Development research group and College of Business Education (CBE), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Uganda. The main purpose of the hubs is to enable faculty members of CBE and MUBS to pursue doctoral studies in IMPDET, while receiving support from the local supervisors.

The main aspects of CBE and MUBS doctoral candidates’ research projects are to utilize pluralistic research methods for understanding contextually relevant challenges and to address those challenges by using a combination of design science research/action research, participatory design, living labs methodology, and software engineering.

CBE doctoral researchers and research topics
1. Lilian Ringo, Exploring the use of ICT to enhance access to market among smallholder farmers: A case of horticulture industry in Tanzania
2. Paulo Magoge, Development of the mobile-learning application to enhance computer programming among students in Higher Education Institutions (HLIs) through computational thinking (CT). A case study of the College of Business Education (CBE) in Tanzania.
3. Madina Hamisi, Web-based financial management skills training for women in informal saving groups in urban Tanzania.
4. Anna Mark Kayanda, Developing decision making in Tanzanian academic institutions through improved information systems
5. Mzomwe Yahya Mazana, Technology in education: Impact assessment of ICT developments in higher education in Tanzania
6. Joel Rumanyika, Improving street Vendors’ market expansion through mobile technologies: A strategy in Tanzanian environment

CBE doctoral graduates and doctoral dissertations
1. Godfrey Isaac Mwandosya, 2021. Mobile Technology for Innovative Teaching and Learning in Tanzanian Higher Education. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-4422-1
2. Ezra Misaki, 2021. Mobile Technology for Enhancing the Flow of Agricultrural Information between Small-Scale Farmers and Other Crop Farming Stakeholders in Chamwino, Tanzania, http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-3791-9
3. William Clifford Gomera, 2020. The Use of Mobile Technology to Enhance the Interaction between Microfinance Institutions and Micro businesses in the Tanzanian Context. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-3641-7
4. Alsen Florian Kapinga, 2020. Mobile Technology for Empowerment: A Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing Sector in Tanzania. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-3365-2
5. Nasibu Rajabu Mramba, 2018. Mobile Technology for Street Traders in Tanzania. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-2832-0

MUBS doctoral researchers and research topics
1. Maria Miiro Kafuko, Facilitating collaborative group work at scale using learning analytics.
2. Edward Miiro, Co-designing robotics for learning machine learning: A case of high school children in Uganda
3. Bonface Abima, Uganda, Implementing learning analytics to support and improve collaborative learning in an online learning environment: The case of public universities in Ghana.

Local supervisors
Prof. Joseph Kizito Bada, MUBS
Dr. William Gomera, CBE
Dr. Alsen Kapinga, CBE
Dr. Esther Mbise, CBE
Dr. Ezra Misaki, CBE
Dr. Nasibu Rajabu Mramba, CBE
Dr. Godfrey Mwandosya, CB
Dr. Respickious Casmir